I design

There’s more to this one then you’d think, but on a basic level I create graphics which demonstrate what a website will look like. While I’m creating the visuals though, I’m also making sure I design how the website will work too.

When you design a website, you need to think deeper than its aesthetic value and really consider the audience you’re targeting. You can’t rely on looks alone if you want to create something that really showcases your business and clearly communicates your value to your audience. Website copy and the placement of calls to action are equally, if not more important for conversions than good looking graphics and photography.

I build
WordPress themes

I’ve been developing WordPress themes for over 10 years, almost as long as I’ve been working professionally in web design. A lot has changed over those years, especially with the WordPress platform, which means it’s an even more powerful content management system than ever before.

When it comes to building WordPress themes, I prefer to work from the ground up and really take control of the things I include in a theme. This results in a cleaner, lighter, faster loading website that doesn’t load every resource known to man in order for you to have a button in the colour you like.

I develop
Shopify themes

More recently I have been asked to develop a few Shopify themes, which is a great ecommerce platform for selling products online. While you can sell with WordPress too, Shopify hosts site on their own servers, which means you don’t have to worry about any technical updates or deal with an external hosting company.

Shopify is another platform which is constantly being improved. There are now a lot of functions to enable easier editing of your site copy and make more unique online shops for your business. As the tools improve, developers like me can create themes which give you more independence and not have to rely on us for every minor change.

I write

Copy writing isn’t usually something a web designer or front-end developer would do, but it’s something I really enjoy doing. Getting the content right for a new website is really important, especially if you want to appear anywhere on the first few pages of a search engine.

Your website copy is how you speak to your customers and communicate your values, experience and USP. When you get it right, any thought in a person’s mind of going back to Google to continue searching are gone.

I run
Website audits

A website audit involves thoroughly looking over a site to review how it’s performing in regards to speed, usability, and search engine optimisation. It’s also useful for discovering how you’re likely coming across to your audience with the design you have chosen and the content you’re using.

It’s good to do a website audit once in a while to make sure your site is providing the best experience possible for your audience and where improvements can be made.

Get In Touch

I’m always happy to discuss projects, big or small. Whether you need a few minor updates, a complete design, a custom WordPress theme, or just advice from a professional, feel free to reach out.